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FinComm Minutes 5-14-03


Present:  Berta Bruinooge, Chair; Deborah Davis, Patricia Foley,
         Macgregor Hay, Arlene Kirsch, Timothy Woodman;
         Birgitta Olson, Clerk.
Absent:   Anne Suggs.
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Berta Bruinooge.

Request for Transfer.
#03-7: Computerization, #153 - $6,400.00
Town Administrator Timothy Smith had spoken to the Chair, explaining that he had meant to put this item on the Special Town Meeting Warrant as a transfer from Free Cash, but had forgotten to do so.  It was noted that similar requests had been made twice before, with the first one being denied and the second one only partially approved.  There was discussion of whether or not this request fits the criteria for a transfer from the Reserve Fund, namely extraordinary and/or unforeseen circumstances.  Most members felt that it does not, and should be denied.  Other options were considered, for example, taking the money from the consultancy fund or the Town Administrator's budget.  Some felt that the adminis- tration needs assistance in assessing what the Town's computer consulting needs are.  After further discussion it was agreed that a letter should be sent to the Town Administrator expressing the Committee's concerns that similar requests had been turned down twice before.  Tim Woodman MOVED "that the Finance Committee deny the request for a transfer of $6,400.00 from the Reserve Fund for computer consultancy costs."  SECONDED by Mac Hay and CARRIED 5-0-1.

Other Business.
-  The Minutes of the meeting of 3/26/03 were approved as amended,
  as MOVED by Davis, SECONDED by Woodman, and CARRIED 6-0.
-  The Minutes of the meeting of 4/28/03 were approved, as MOVED
  by Foley, SECONDED by Kirsch, and CARRIED 6-0.
-  Mail was reviewed.
  A letter from Douglas Franklin pointed out an error in the
  Library Salary/Wages budget line.  This is to be forwarded to
  Selectmen and the Town Administrator, and a letter of thanks
  sent to Mr. Franklin.  MOVED by Kirsch, SECONDED by Woodman,
  and CARRIED 6-0.
-  Arlene Kirsch's E-Mail to members following the Selectmen's
  meeting was discussed briefly.
-  Pat Foley was appointed as interim FinComm member on the
  Personnel Board, pending reorganization and liaison               appointment in July.
-  Arlene Kirsch asked that an alternate liaison person be
  appointed to attend Selectmen meetings in July and August.

WELLFLEET FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES 5/14/03                    2

-  Berta Bruinooge announced that Sylvia Smith will be appointed
  to the Finance Committee.  She also announced that Tim Woodman
  will resign effective 5/15/03 due to a perceived conflict of
  interest.  Anne Suggs has indicated that she does not wish to     be reappointed.  Deb Davis will stay with the Committee a short
  time until a quorum is established.
-  It was agreed that the Committee should provide input to the
  Personnel Board on its questionnaire.  Arlene Kirsch asked that
  it be sent to members via E-Mail.
-  A letter from Open Space Committee Chair Robert Hubby             concerning their request that Lot 143, Map 16 be placed under     conservation was reviewed.  It was agreed that the Open Space     Committee should be invited to a future Fin Comm meeting to       explain why they want this parcel.
-  The regular June meeting will be on the 25th.  A special          meeting was scheduled for July 8th.

Review of Town Meeting.
FinComm members felt that their recommendations had been respected overall.  It was agreed that townspeople had understood and shown concern over the financial position the Town is in currently, with Free Cash used up.  An unusually large number of people had spoken to specific budget items and the possibility of cutting back.  There was concern over personnel costs.  Some felt that it was shown over again how little influence the FinComm has with the Selectmen and the Town Administrator setting the budget.  Others felt that the FinComm has influence, but does not use it effectively.  Members thought the projected special meetings with Selectmen, the Town Administrator, the FinComm and Department Heads, to begin in September and concerning Town government, will offer an opportunity for all parties to work towards the same goal.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Birgitta V. Olson                       
Committee Secretary                     

Berta Bruinooge, Chair
Approved  5/14/03